About Krav Maga

Active Action

If you can’t dodge the situation, you need Krav Maga. Krav Maga is based on active action in a self-defence situation. The idea is to block your attacker as effectively as possible by attacking him yourself as soon as possible. In self-defence, legislation defines the situations in which physical self-defence is used. The legal aspect makes the training even more interesting!

Who is Krav maga suitable for?

The characteristic of Krav Maga is that it adapts to the individual as a tool to be used. In this way, for example, a knee injury that prevents you from doing certain exercises does not become a barrier to starting Krav Maga. You have to be able to defend yourself despite the injury, right?

People often ask about the level of fitness required. The training is structured on an individual basis, i.e. everyone “fights” against themselves and in a group it is easier to overcome oneself. Get brave and join the gym and you’ll get fitter without even noticing!

Many clubs also have their own training groups for children and young people. Clubs also set their own age limits for adult groups. In most of them, the age of admission to an adult group is between 15 and 18.

Using the natural response

The starting point of Krav Maga is to strengthen the natural reaction so that a person is able to defend himself in a sudden situation by reacting correctly to the situation. The techniques of Krav Maga are in themselves part of the natural response to different types of starting situations (sitting, standing, mentally prepared to face a threat, completely unexpected, etc…), which the method links together by responding to similar attacks with a similar solution.


Exercises are typically 60-90 minutes long. The workout is divided into parts, making it meaningful, physically challenging in a reasonable way and fun.

The preparatory part of the workout usually introduces the topic to be covered through a variety of heart rate increasing exercises. This prepares the muscles for action and avoids unnecessary injuries during the workout.

The preparatory part is followed by the main part, which teaches how to perform the exercise. This stage introduces the ‘problem’ and provides an example situation. This is followed by specific exercises to reinforce the methods needed to cope with the situation in the day’s exercise. 

In the final phase of the main part, situational management is also included, starting with de-escalation and evacuation. If these fail and a physical defensive situation arises, the situation will be dealt with accordingly.

The final part of the exercise will focus on physical fitness through a variety of exercises with the aim of strengthening fitness and endurance. The main focus is on the development of physical performance according to the Krav Maga – Self-Defence analysis.

Duration of exercises

60 - 90 min

Preparatory part

Muscle stretching

Main content

Exercises - Management of the situation

Final part

Improving physical fitness



June 25th - June 30 - 2024