1. Name of the organisation

The name of the organisation is Suomen Krav Maga Liitto (SKML), in Swedish Finnish Krav Maga Fördundet Ry and its seat is Helsinki City.

2. Purpose and Quality of Operations

The purpose of the Finnish Krav Maga federation is to promote, develop and popularise the Krav Maga self-defence and close combat method and to act as the national central organisation of the Krav Maga associations it represents in the field of competition, fitness, youth and other martial arts. The Federation works in close cooperation with other national sports organisations and international krav maga organisations.

In order to achieve its aims and support its activities, the Federation organises training, coaching, practice, competition and information events, publishes, purchases and distributes sports equipment for its members on a non-profit basis and represents its members in international krav maga federations and other international fora.

3. Members

Any Finnish registered association engaged in krav maga self-defence, operating in Finland, whose name and rules are such as may be approved by the Board of the Association, may become a full member of the Association. Members shall be approved by the Board of Directors of the Association upon application.

Member associations must have their changes of rules and name approved by the Board of the Federation. The Union shall have the right to expel any member association which changes its rules or name to such an extent that they are not approved by the Union’s Board of Directors.

The Federation may elect as an honorary member a person who has rendered outstanding services to krav maga. Election as an Honorary Member shall be made by the Assembly of the Federation on the proposal of the Board of Directors. Honorary members do not pay membership fees.

4. Resignation and expulsion of a member

A member has the right to resign from the Association by notifying the Board or its Chairman in writing or by notifying the Association in a meeting to be entered in the meeting minutes.

The Board of Directors may expel a member from the Association if the member has failed to pay his/her membership fee when due or has otherwise failed to fulfil the obligations to which he/she committed himself/herself by joining the Association, or has caused serious damage to the Association by his/her conduct within or outside the Association, or no longer fulfils the conditions of membership laid down by law or the Association’s rules.

5. Joining and membership fee

The amount of the membership fee and the annual membership fee to be paid by members is decided by the autumn meeting.

6. Board

The association’s affairs are managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of a chairman elected at the autumn meeting and 1-3 other full members. The term of office of the Board is one calendar year. The Board elects a Vice-Chairman from among its members and appoints a Secretary, Treasurer and other necessary officers from among its members or from outside. The Board shall meet at the call of the Chairman or, in his absence, of the Vice-Chairman, whenever they consider it necessary or at the request of at least half of its members. A quorum shall exist when at least half of the members of the Board, including the Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson, are present. Votes shall be decided by an absolute majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the casting vote, or in the case of elections, a draw of lots.

7. Writing the name of the association

The name of the association is written by the chairman of the board alone and the vice-chairman, secretary or treasurer, two together.

8. Financial period and audit

The financial year of the association is the calendar year. The financial statement with the necessary documents and the annual report of the Board of Directors must be submitted to the auditors at least one month before the spring meeting. The auditors/auditors must submit their written opinion to the Board of Directors at least two weeks before the Spring Meeting.

9. The Association's Meetings

The association holds two ordinary meetings each year. The spring meeting of the Association is held in January-May and the autumn meeting in September-December on a date to be determined by the Board. An extraordinary meeting shall be held when the Association’s General Assembly so decides or when the Board of Directors deems it necessary or when at least one tenth (1/10) of the Association’s members with voting rights request it in writing from the Board of Directors for a specifically notified matter. The meeting shall be held within thirty days from the date on which the request for a meeting is submitted to the Board. At meetings of the Association, each member shall have one vote. Unless otherwise provided in the rules, the decision of the Association’s meeting shall be the opinion of the majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote, but in the case of an election, the chairman shall cast the deciding vote by lot.

10. Calling Meetings of the Association

The Board of Directors must convene meetings of the Association at least seven days before the meeting by letter to the members, in the newspaper of the Association’s place of residence or by e-mail.

11. Annual Meetings

If a member of the Association wishes to have a matter discussed at the spring or autumn meeting of the Association, he or she must notify the Board in writing in sufficient time for the matter to be included in the notice of the meeting.

At the spring meeting of the association, the following matters will be discussed:

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Elect the chairman, secretary, two scrutineers and, if necessary, two tellers
  3. Establish the legality and quorum of the meeting
  4. Approve the rules of procedure for the meeting
  5. Presentation of the financial statements, the annual report and the opinion of the auditors/auditors
  6. Adopt the annual accounts and grant discharge to the board of directors and other responsible persons
  7. Deal with any other business mentioned in the invitation to the meeting.

The following matters will be discussed at the Association's autumn meeting:

  1. 1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Election of the chairman, secretary, two scrutineers and, if necessary, two tellers
  3. Establish the legality and quorum of the meeting
  4. Approve the rules of procedure of the meeting
  5. Approve the programme of activities, the budget and the amount of the subscription and membership fee for the following calendar year
  6. Elect the Chairman and other members of the Board
  7. Elect one or more auditors and alternate auditors
  8. Deal with any other business mentioned in the invitation to the meeting.

12. Amendment of the statutes and dissolution of the association

The decision to amend the statutes and dissolve the Association must be taken at a meeting of the Association by a majority of at least three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast. The notice of the meeting must mention the amendment of the Statutes or the dissolution of the Association. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, the assets of the Association shall be used to further the purposes of the Association in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the dissolution. If the Association is dissolved, its assets shall be used for the same purpose.



June 25th - June 30 - 2024